Sunday, October 17, 2010

Teacher Questions

1. In your opinion do you think that California schools foucs more on test scores or teaching about the real world?
" California schools do indeed put a huge emphasis on test scores, but the question is how accurate those scores are to the reality of education being absorbed by students."
2. If you could change one thing about the school system what would you change?
" The teaching criteria, and promote more freedom and individuality in the classrooms."
3. Do you think longer school days would improve students grades?
" I can't say that they would improve them, im sure that wouldnt be in favor of the students so they may rebel a bit, but that would be something interesting to look into further."
4. Do you think teachers should get a bonus for their students getting higher test scores?
"If done in the right manner, it could be a great incentive for some."
5.Do you think the division of money is fair?
" There are probably some cases where the division of money is being abused, but thats hard to determine without research."
6. Should we get the summer off or should we go to school throughout the year?
"Personally, I enjoy my summer vacations and im sure students do too."
7. In your opinion is the No Child Left Behind policy effectuve?
"The policy is of good intent but not 100% effective with obvious reason."
8. In New York, it is impossible to fire a teacher even after they are accused of drugs, sexual harrassment and more. Do think thats fair?
"Theres a difference between accusations and a proven case of abuse. This is touchy because determining the truth from false claims is difficult."
9. What do you think the biggest distraction is in the classroom?
"Under achievers mixed with over achievers is a distraction that occurs in every classroom setting, and in life period."
10. Do you think it would help if teachers had an assistant teacher?

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