Saturday, September 25, 2010

Class Discussion Recap Amer. Gov't

The class discussion on the Arizona Bill 1070 was very inciteful, and I've learned a lot of valuable information and heard and expressed some valid points, on both sides. I believe the discussion opened many peoples eyes to the way more people think about this situation, and it has opened my perspective on how immigrants may live or feel about their situation. I still stand on my position as an approving side of the bill, however it was very educational and eye opening. These discussion are important because it gets people s chance to voice their oppinions, maybe something they don't usually get the chance to do. The discussions got off topic at some points but they showed true emotion which reveals a passion for the subject. Some points in my oppinion were not valid, in the fact that I didn't agree as a result of my place on the bill. However I appreciated everyones honesty.

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